Wk 4 - June 16-22 - Websites and HTML - Educational Tool Blog

Web Design HTML and Educational Tool Blog

This week for class we were supposed to read several web-based texts and create a website with either Wix or Weebly.
I google searched "Weebly vs Wix" primarily because Weebly was listed first and Wix second by the course instructions. I soon realized that Wix, if I were to take my website beyond class would be far easier to control and maintain. "Weebly is a drag and drop builder, but has more limits in its templates. In testing people found it less intuitive than Wix and more difficult to use because of this." (Source) Due to the limted templates (designs) and people finding it less intuitive (easy to use) than Wix, I decided to choose Wix to create my website.

This site taught me that sometimes I don't realize how blessed I am to have grown up with the Internet. I remember in Kindergarten we were using "Green Screen" computers and then all of a sudden we had all "MAC" (Apple) computers. 

This Youtube video teaches you how easy buidling a webpage is and reminded me of some of the web developing skills I once was taught. 

Honestly, this video really makes buidling websites and learning coding seem much less complex to understand. I still can't believe nor remember that the first websites only had text! (Source

